1: Soraidh leibh is oidhche mhath leibh,
Oidche mhath leibh 's beannachd leibh;
Guidheam slàinte 'ghnàth bhi mar ribh,
Oidhche mhath leibh 's beannachd leibh.
2: Chan eil inneal-ciùil a ghleusar,
'Dhùisgeas smuain mo chléibh gu aoibh,
Mar nì duan o bheul nan caileag,
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.
3: Thuit ar crann air saoghal carach,
'S coma siud, tha 'mhaitheas leinn,
Bidh sinn beò an dòchas ro-mhath,
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.
Good Night to You (translation)
1: Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings with you,
I wish you always good health,
Goodnight and blessings with you.
2: There is not an instrument played,
That wakens my thoughts with happiness,
As songs from the lips of maidens,
Goodnight and blessings with you.
3: Our lot has fallen in a deceitful world,
No matter, its goodness is with us,
We will live in good hope,
Goodnight and blessings with you.