Busk Busk Bonnie Lassie
Sung by Jim Reid on SPRCD 1015 Jim Reid: I Saw the Wild Geese Flee
Traditional adapted and arranged Jim Reid/Springthyme Music © 1984
A lovely traditional song from the Stewart family of Blairgowrie that has become widely popular in recent years. The song has a superb chorus, so sing and join in: 'Busk, busk bonnie lassie and come awa wi me, and I'll tak ye tae Glen Isla near bonnie Glen Shee.'
1: "Dae ye see yon high hills,
Aa covered ower wi snaw?
They hae pairted mony the true love,
And they'll soon pairt us twa.
Busk, busk bonnie lassie and come awa wi me,
And I'll tak ye tae Glen Isla near bonnie Glen Shee."
2: "Dae ye see yon shepherd,
As he gaes alang,
Wi his plaidie roun aboot him,
And his sheep they graze on?"
Busk, busk bonnie lassie and come awa wi me,
And I'll tak ye tae Glen Isla near bonnie Glen Shee."
3: "Dae ye see yon soldiers,
As they march alang,
Wi their muskets on their shoulders,
And their broadswords hingin doun?"
Busk, busk bonnie lassie and come awa wi me,
And I'll tak ye tae Glen Isla near bonnie Glen Shee."
4: "Dae ye see yon high hills,
Aa covered ower wi snaw?
They hae pairted mony the true love,
And they'll soon pairt us twa.
Busk, busk bonnie lassie and come awa wi me,
And I'll tak ye tae Glen Isla near bonnie Glen Shee." |
c p 1984, 2012 Springthyme Records