Queer Folk in the Shaws

On Springthyme SPRCD 1030
Jim Reid & John Huband - Freewheeling Now

This old song describes a young man's trip to Pollockshaws near Glasgow when it was obviously less populated that in the present day. The saying 'Queer fowk in the Shaws' refers to the Polish immigrants who came to the area as weavers in the early 1800s.

1: I thocht until masel ae day I'd like tae see a race,
For mony ither lads like me hae been tae sic a place;
So up I got, I washed masel, put on ma Sunday braws,
And wi a stick intae ma hand I started for the Shaws.

2: Ma mother strictly coonseled me before that I gaed out,
She says I wis tae mind ma een and what I wis aboot;
And mindin no be trod, ma son, beneath the horses' paws,
An mind ma lad, the savin’s true: ‘There's queer folk in the Shaws’.

3: The races pleased me unco weel, were fairly grand tae see,
The horses gaed sae awfu fast, I thocht they maist did flee;
When they came tae the winnin post, O siccan he loud huzzas,
Ye wid hae thocht they'd aa be gaen the queer folk in the Shaws.

4: A lassie then cam up to me an askit for a gill,
Says I, "If that's the fashion here I mauna tak it ill."
She wiles me o’er intill a tent an half a mutchin caas,
Says I, “I think ma mother’s right, there's queer folk in the Shaws."

5: The whisky made my love to bleeze I fand in perfect bliss,
And syne I taen her roond the waist tae tak a wee bit kiss;
When in a crack she lifts her neive, she gied it tae me in the jaws,
Says I, "My dear what means aa this, there's queer folk in the Shaws."

6: A strapin chiel came farrart an he took awa ma lass,
Miscaad me for a country loon, a stupid silly ass;
Said I, "If I've done any hairm jist tell tae me the cause.”
He made his fit spin aff ma hip, there's queer folk in the Shaws.

7: Aroused at last I raised ma fist an gied it tae him on the lug,
Though sairly wis I worried for't by his big collie dog;
It bit my airms, it bit my airse, it tore ma Sunday braws,
An in the row I lost my watch wi the queer folk in the Shaws.

8: The polis then when they cam in, they hauled me aff tae quad,
They put the twines aboot my wrists an thumped me on the road;
I had tae pay ma good pound note e'er I got oot o their claws,
Catch me again when I'm teen in by the queer folk in the Shaws.

c p 1990 Springthyme Music