Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly;
Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly.
1: The thunder and lightning gave voice to the night,
The little lame chaild cried aloud in her fright;
Hush little baby a story I’ll tell,
Of the love that vanquished the powers of Hell.
Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly;
Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly.
2: Sweetness in the air and justice in the wind,
And laughter in the house where the mourners have been;
The deaf shall have music,the blind have new eyes,
The standards of death taken down by surprise.
3: Release for the catives an end to the wars,
New streams in the desert new hope for the poor;
The litle lame children will dance as they sing,
And play with the bear and the lions in Spring.
4: Hush little baby let go of your fear,
The lord loves his own and your mother is here;
The giant fell asleep as the lantern did burn,
The mother sang on til her bridegroom's return.
Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly;
Alleluia, the great storm is over,
Lift up your wings and fly.