The Bonnie Blue Hankie
1: "O where are you going to my pretty fair young maid?
Where are you going to my pretty fair young maid?"
"I am goin a-milkin, kind sir," she did say,
Wi her bonnie blue hankie ticked under her chin.
2: "Why do you wear that hankie, my pretty fair young maid?
Why do you wear that hankie, my pretty fair young maid?"
"It is just a country fashion, kind sir," she did say,
Wi her bonnie blue hankie ticked under her chin.
3: "O show me the crooked sixpence before you begin;
Show me the crooked sixpence before you begin."
And besides a crooked sixpence, he pulled out a ring,
An a bonnie blue hankie ticked under her chin.
4: "O will you marry me, my pretty fair young maid?
Will you marry me, my pretty fair young maid?"
"I will marry you kind mister, kind sir," she did say,
An her bonnie blue hankie ticked under her chin.
5: Now we are marriet and we have settled down,
Now we are married and children we haw two
A boy the image o daddy an a girl the image o me,
Wi a bonnie blue hankie ticked under their chin.