My Wee Doggie

On Springthyme SPRCD 1038
Jane Turriff - Singin is Ma Life

Sung by Jane Turriff accompanying herself on accordeon.

This song fits right into North East tradition, despite its possible origins in American country and western music. Greig-Duncan's slightly bawdy ditty of Dick Dorbin the Cobbler (#483) fits the metrics and has a similar nonsense refrain, but is probably unrelated. Jane is not sure of its provenance, "I dinna ken, we eest tae sing't fin we wis little. I think it wis Jimmy Rodgers), an yodelled. It must hae been him I eest tae be daft aboot.

The Cobbler

1: O when I wis a cobbler,.
I workit frae momin till night;
I couldn't get the price o tobacco,
An it's drivin me right up the pole.

An a fal-al-al al-al-i diddle dee,
Fal-al the doodle-i day-ay;
Fal-al-al-i iddle-i daddie,
It's drivin me right up the pole.

Recorded by Allan Palmer at Mintlaw, June 1984.

Traditional arranged Jane Turriff
Springthyme Records © 1996.