Wi His Grey Baird Newly Shaven
1: An aul man he cam owre the lea,
Aha bit I widnae hae him
He cam ower the lea for tae coon me,
Wi his grey baird newly shaten.
2: My mother tellt me tae gie 'im a chair,
Aha bit I widnae hae 'im;
I gied 'im a chair an 'e sat on the flair,
Wi 'is grey baird newly shaven.
3: My mither tellt me tae gie 'im a drink,
Aha bit I widnae hae him,
Bit I gied him a drink, an he began tae wink,
Wi his grey baird newly shaven.
4: My mither tellt me tae gie him a kiss,
Aha bit I widnae hae him;
If ye like him as wed, ye can kiss him yersel,
Wi his grey baird newly shaven.