What Can a Young Lassie
1: What can a young lassie, what can a young lassie,
What can a young lassie dae wi an aul man?
He's peavisht an jealous o as the young fellows;
O dool on the day I met wi an aul man.
2: O what can a young lassie, what can a young lassie,
What can a young lassie dae wi an aul man?
Bad luck on the penny that tempted my Minnie,
For tae sell her poor Jenny for hooses an land.
3: O he hums an he hankers, he frets an he cankers,
I never cuid please him, doe aa that I can;
He's dowie an dozin an his blood it is frozen,
O dool on. the day I met wi an aid man.
4: But my auld auntie Katie, upon me she takes pity,
I'll do endeavour for roe follow her plan:
I'll cross him, I'll crack him, until I hert brak him
An wi his aul brass I well buy me a new pan.
5: What can a young lassie, what can a young lassie,
O what can a young lassie doe wi an aul man?
Bad luck on the penny that tempted my Minnie,
For to sell her poor Jenny for hooses an land.
6: O he hums an he hankers, he frets an he cankers,
O I never cuid please him, doe aa that I can;
He's dowie an dozin an his blood it is frozen,
O dool on the day I met ui an aul man.
Jane usually ends the last verse with the line, "Oh dreary's my life wi a crazy auld man."