1: Ah tae Glesga toun I gaed ae nicht tae spend a penny fee, [penny fee=wage
A bonnie wee lass she gied consent tae bear me company.
Hooch on linkie doo, linkie doodle day,
Hooch on linkie doodle toor aye ae.
2: We wandered through Jamaica Street doun by the Broomielaw,
The organ lads played rich and sweet and fiddlers ane or twa.
3: We gaed intae a tavern, I ordered up some gin,
And aa the folk aboot the place they smiled as we cam in.
4: We hidnae been in there an hour fan in cam half a score,
O sailor lads and quines sae braw we’d never seen afore.
5: I bocht them each a gless o gin, they drank it aff richt free,
And ilka ane they drank success tae the bonnie wee lassie and me.
6: The nicht gaed on wi mirth and sang till daylicht did appear,
Syne up come their bosun says, “All hands on deck appear.”
7: The sailors took a pairtin gless the lassies said, "Goodbye."
The hindmost ane as he gaed oot says, “Jock ye’ve aa tae pey.”
8: Noo they've taen fae me ma watch and chain and they've taen fae me ma knife,
It’s a wunner they hanna taen fae me ma wee bit spunk o life.
9: Weel I cam intae this world a bairn, sae nakit and sae bare,
And I’ll ging oot the same fae Glesga, I’ll never ging nae mair.
10: So come aa ye jolly plooman lads, a warning tak fae me,
Never ging tae Glesgae toun, ye’re better in Lochee.
Hooch on linkie doo, linkie doodle day,
Hooch on linkie doodle toor aye ae.