1: There were six and six nobles rade roon Banchory fair,
And bonnie Glenlogie wis the flower o them there;
There were nine and nine ladies sat in the queen’s dine,
Bonnie Jeannie o Bethelnie wis the flower o twice nine.
2: Doun come Jeannie Meldrum she cam tripping doun the stair,
And she’s faan in love wi Glenlogie ower aa that wis there;
She has turned tae his fitboy that stood by her side, [fitboy=footman
Saying, “Fa is the young man and far does he bide?”
3: “His name is Glenlogie fan he is fae hame,
And he’s o the noble Gordons and his name is Lord John.”
“Glenlogie, Glenlogie prove constant and kind,
For I hae laid my love upon ye and ye’re aye in ma mind.”
4: He has turned him aroon quickly like the Gordons dae aa,
He says, “I thank ye Jeannie Meldrum but I’m promised awa.”
She has caad for her maiden tae mak up a bed,
Wi ribbons aye and napkins tae tie roon her heid.
5: Doun cam Jeannie’s faither and as he cam doun stair,
He says, “Fit ails ye Jeannie Meldrum that ye’re lying doun there?”
“There is a nice little fellow wi a dark rollin ee,
And if I get na Glenlogie then it’s for him I’ll dee.”
6: “O haud yer tongue Jeannie and say nae sic a thing tae me,
And I will wad ye tae Drumwhinnle, he has mair gowd and fee.” [fee=income
“O haud yer tongue faither and let yer Jeannie be,
For if I get na Glenlogie then it’s for him I’ll dee.”
7: Her faither he had a chaplain and a man o great skill,
And he’s penned a braid letter and indited it weel;
Fan Glenlogie saw the letter a licht lauch gaed he,
But fin Glenlogie read the letter then a tear blint his ee.
8: “Noo gae saddle tae me the black horse, gae saddle tae me the broon,
Bonnie Jeannie o Bethelnie will be deid e’er I win.” [arrive
Fan his horses were saddled and led tae the green,
It’s bonnie Glenlogie had gaen three miles his leen. [his leen: alone
9: Noo pale and wan wis she fan Glenlogie cam ben,
Aye and reid and rosie grew she fan she saw it was him;
“Lie ower Jeannie Meldrum, lie tae yer richt side,
And I will play the bridegroom love if you will play the bride.”
10: Bonnie Jeannie she wis married and her tocher doun tauld, [dowry counted out
Bonnie Jeannie o Bethelnie wis bit sixteen years auld;
Bethelnie, Bethelnie ye shine far ye stand,
And aa the heather bells that’s aroond ye shine ower Fyvie’s land.