1: Come aa ye jolly plooman lads that wark amon the grun,
Come listen tae ma story if ye want tae hae some fun;
I'm nae sae young as I used tae be, some say I've had ma fling,
But I feel jist like a ten year aul when I begin tae sing.
Oh lilta fallooral ido, toora loora lay,
I'll caa your horse, I'll sort your nowte, I'll big a ruck o strae,
I'm as happy's a lark fae dawn tae dark, singin aa the day,
Oh lilta fallooral ido, toora loora lay.
2: At Ellon feeing market noo listen what I say,
A mannie spiered gin I could wark a pair a ten hour day,
If I could fill muck wi a man - he fairly gart me gape,
Says I, "Aul man, far I come fae ye fill muck wi a grape."
3: I bothied far a sax month at a place they caa Buchairn,
When I gaed hame, the bothy lads, they took me for a bairn;
Wi hornie hands they ate biled spuds, the bothy fleer they'd happit,
Wi ma sharny beets I trampit the spuds and said, "I like mine chappit."
4: The nicht I mairrit Mary Anne, I got most awfa fu,
When the minister started tae tie the knot there wis a how-dae-ye-do;
He says, "What is your name, my man, and have ye got the ring?"
But you should hae seen the mannie's face when I began tae sing."
Oh lilta fallooral ido, toora loora lay,
I'll caa your horse, I'll sort your nowte, I'll big a ruck o strae,
I'm as happy's a lark fae dawn tae dark, singin aa the day,
Oh lilta fallooral ido, toora loora lay.