A Fair Maid in her Garden Walking

On Autumn Harvest AH 004
Old Songs & Bothy Ballads - Some Rants o Fun

Margaret Spiers sings:

A song known throughout Scotland, England and in North America.

1: A fair maid in her garden was walking,
A brisk young sailor came riding by,
He stepped up to her intent tae woo her,
And said, "Fair maid wad ye fancy I?"

2: “It’s seiven long years since I loved a sailor,
It’s seiven land years since he went tae sea;
My love is strong and I’ll aye prove faithful,
I’ll aye choose him or the likes o thee.”

3: “Perhaps he is drownéd, perhaps he os married,
Perhaps he’s on some foreign shore.”
“Well if he be married I wish him plenty,
If he be drownéd I wish him rest.”

4: “Do you see yon high high castle,
All decorated with lillies white?
I have gold love and I have silver,
If you will say you’ll be mine tonight.”

5: “What care I for yon high high castle,
All decorated with lillies white;
What care I for your gold and silver,
If my true love he was here this night.”

6: He put his hand in tae his pocket,
His fingers they were long and small;
He took from his pocket a ring that was broken,
And when she saw it she down did fall.

7: He took her up in tae his arums,
And gave her kisses, sweet kisses three;
He said, “It is I love, your ain dear Johnnie,
Come back again for tae marry thee.”

8: This couple they are now married,
And they are free from care and strife;
She is nae langer a servo\ing lassie,
For now she is a bold captain’s wife.

c p 2007 Autumn Harvest AH004