1: Oh ma freens kens weel I'm a ceevil chap,
I belang tae the Aiberdeen Force,
And although I'm no jist awfa stout,
I'm as strong as ony horse.
And I look sae weel fae heid tae heel,
In ma bonnie coat o blue,
And the kids aa cry when I pass by,
"Oh here comes a Russian Jew."
2: Oh the Queen she came tae Aiberdeen,
And she swore upon her soul,
That I wisna like a man at aa,
But a great lang telegraph pole.
3: If I see a man lyin beastless fu,
I dinna say, "Hoo dae ye do?" But I gie tae him a gey roch shak,
An I says, "Come a Russian Jew."
4: Oh there was a row got up ae nicht,
And I wis there verra quick,
I took a man in ilkie hand,
And I landed them in the nick.
5: Oh each of them got forty days,
And they lookit rather blue,
Oh each of them got forty days,
Says I, "I'm a Russian Jew."
And I look sae weel fae heid tae heel,
In ma bonnie coat o blue,
And the kids aa cry when I pass by,
"Oh here comes a Russian Jew."