Jock Duncan

The Man and his Songs

Book: Hardback Library Edition £30.00
Special price Book plus the new Double CD £40.00

Book: UK only
Book: Worldwide
Book plus CD: UK only
Book plus CD: Worldwide
NOTE: Postage added according to destination selected.


Click for information on the new double CD Jock Duncan - Aikey Brae to Ythanside.
and Jock's original CD Jock Duncan - Ye Shine Whar Ye Stan!

Jock Duncan - Aikey Brae to Ythanside
Jock Duncan - Ye Shine Whar Ye Stan!


A selection of pages from the book
and additional images in colour

Map of Songs and Places in North East Scotland

Map of Songs and Places in North East Scotland

Rhynie Transcription
Images of Jock & Faddenhill
Images of Jock & Faddenhill
& Introduction
Map of Songs &
Places in NE Scotland
Song Notation
Images of Jock Duncan
& Faddenhill Farm
Jock Duncan - The Man
& his Songs

Click any icon above for link to a PDF image.

JOCK DUNCAN: The Man and his Songs is a collection of songs transcribed from the singing of Jock Duncan (1925-2021) a revered singer of songs from the North-East of Scotland. The collection includes not only the words of the songs but also the tunes, notated and transcribed by the editor with detailed notes on the songs together with a biography of the man himself.

Jock was brought up in the ballad-rich farming country around New Deer and Fyvie in the Buchan area of Aberdeenshire and was one of Scotland’s great traditional singers and one of the last to inherit his songs from a living oral tradition. Many younger singers have been inspired by his songs and by his magnificent style and presence in performance whether in a small intimate gathering or on the concert stage. We may lament the loss of such an outstanding cultural icon – but we will continue to treasure the repertoire of one the great authentic voices of Scots song.

The book is published by Rymour Books of Perth and is available from all good bookshops. We are happy to supply by post but please suggest the book to your local library or ask your local bookshop to stock the book. Publication date 17 March 2024.

“More than a singer, more than a tradition bearer – Jock Duncan brought songs and the characters in them to life in an almost three dimensional cinematic way. Whether he was singing the big dramatic narrative ballads or the by no means lesser, entertaining ones, Jock engaged all the listener’s senses.”
Rob Adams: Folk and Jazz Correspondent, The Herald.

Book Launch and Concert: Why not join us at the Cowdray Hall Aberdeen

JOCK DUNCAN: The Man and his Songs

Concert in the Aberdeen Art Gallery, Cowdray Hall
Sunday 17 March 2024 1.30-3.30pm £10
Link for tickets:

Jock Duncan Concert

c 2024 Springthyme Records

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