- There's a fairm toun up in Cairney wha's kent baith far an wide,
- Tae be the hash o Drumdelgie upon sweet Deveronside; [i.e. large farm
- The fairmer o yon muckle toun he is baith hard an sair,
- And the caulest day that iver blaws, his servants get their share.
- At five o'clock we quickly rise and hurry doun the stair,
- An it's there we corn oor horses, likewise tae straik their hair;
- Syne aifter warkin half-an-hour, each tae the kitchie goes,
- And it's there we get oor breakfast which generally is brose.
We hidnae got oor brose weel suppit and gien oor pints a tie,
- Fan the foreman he cries, "Oot ma lads, the hour is drawin nigh."
- At sax o'clock the mill's pit on tae gie us aa stracht wark,
- It taks fower o us tae mak tae her till you could ring oor sark.
- And fan the water is put aff, we hurry doun the stair,
- Tae get some quarters throw the fan till daylicht dis appear; [a quarter
was 3 cwt. of oats
- When daylicht dis begin tae peep and the sky begins tae clear,
- The grieve cries oot, "Come on my lads, you'll be nae langer here."
- There's sax o ye'll gyang tae the ploo, and twa tae caw the neeps,
- And the bailies they'll be aifter you wi strae rapes round their queets."
- But fan that we were gyaun forth and turnin oot tae yoke,
- The snaw dank on sae thick an fast that we were like to choke;
- The frost it bein sae very hard, the ploo she widna go,
- And sae oor cairtin days commenced amang the frost and snaw.
- Oor horses being but young and sma, the shafts they didna fill,
- And they aft required the saiddler chains tae pull them up the hill;
- But we will sing oor horses' praise though they be young an sma,
- For they far ootshine the broadlands eens that gyangs sae full and
- The term time has come at last and we will get wir brass,
- And we'll awa tae Huntly fair tae hae a pairtin glass;
- And we'll gyang in tae Huntly toun and there gyang on the spree,
- And then the fun it will commence, the quinies for tae see.
- Sae fare ye weel Drumdelgie, for I maun gyang awa,
- Sae fare ye weel Drumdelgie, yer weetie wither and aa,
- Sae fare ye weel Drumdelgie, I bid ye aa adieu,
- An I leave ye as I got ye - a maist unceevil crew.