The Fause Knight on the Road 4: The False Knight upon the Road Versions from the Singing Tradition 1: The False Knight upon the Road As sung by Belle Stewart, New Alyth, Blairgowrie, Perthshire 2: The False Knight upon the Road As recited by Duncan Johnstone, Birnam, Dunkeld 3: The Dark Knight upon the Road As sung by Martha (Peasie) Reid, Birnam, Dunkeld 4: The Dark Knight upon the Road As sung by Ted Fury of Dublin in St Andrews, Fife 5: The Fause Knight on the Road As sung by Danny Couper of Aberdeen at FifeSing2016 [ HOME ] [ Numbered List ] As sung by Ted Fury of Dublin - accompanied with a melody chorus on fiddle between verses - the second part of the tune which is a version of The Flowers of Edinburgh. Ted had collected the song from a traveller by the name of Hutchison in the northeast of Scotland while on a collecting trip for the Irish Folklore Commissiopn along with Seamus Ennis in the mid 1950s. Text not yet in place. [ HOME ] ![]() |