Ron Bissett takes a turn at the Fife Traditional Singing Weekend 2008
Time for a Break
[At the Fife Traditional Singing Weekend 2008]
Photographs by Davey Stewart and Bill Cheyne
Johnny Handle
Ellen Mitchell
Alex Clarke
Sara Grey
Jock Duncan
Ellen with Joe Rae
Maurice Fleming
FifeSing CD Launch
Jock Duncan
Rod Stradling
Ewan McVicar
Shona Donaldson
Attempt at a Launch
Chris Miles
Ian Russell
Alex Clarke - Dancer
Brian Watson
Alex Clarke - Joker
Vic Gammon
Bill Cheyne
Margaret Spiers
Steve Black
Jimmy Hutchison
Elsa & Erica
Geordie Murison
Arthur & Tom
Chris Coe
Tom Spiers
Dougie MacKenzie
Danny Stradling
Joe Rae
Christine Hendry
Ron Bissett
Doris Rougvie
Arthur Watson
Emma Spiers
Dave McClurg
Joe Aitken
Jim Aitken
Beth Folkemer
Henry Douglas
Poppy Holden
Elsa LeMaitre
Erica Douglas
The FifeSing events are run by
The East of Scotland Traditional Song Group
Contact us at:
Peter Shepheard, Balmalcolm House, Balmalcolm, Cupar, Fife KY15 7TJ
tel: 00 44 (0)1337 830773
email: peter shepheard
Photographs by Davey Stewart and Bill Cheyne